I am very pleased to announce the release of my new book, a memoir of my lifetime's experiences working with the spirit world and all of the fantastic things I have seen and heard in that time!

Ghostly visitations from Hollywood and TV stars.
'Ghostbusting' haunted houses.
Communicating with otherworldly entities including angels and fairies.
Dabbling in psychic detective work.
Giving outstanding clairvoyant and psychic art demonstrations while battling a personal crisis in a life or death struggle, I have always pushed the barrier between this world and the next. My intriguing recollection is more than a memoir, it allows you to step into my shoes and share in my experiences, reconnecting loved ones, connecting with angels, fighting crime and even picking racetrack winners.
'Intrigued by the title of this book I’m glad I picked it. It’s a lovely read. I found it an interesting peek into a rather fascinating life.' - Claire (Reader's review on Amazon).
Join me and my spirit guides and enter a realm of magic that's much closer than you ever imagined!
'Why Do Angels Have Wings?' is available as a paperback or eBook from Amazon here.